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How to cut thick dog hair

How to Cut Thick Dog Hair: A Comprehensive Guide for Perfect Grooming Results

If you're a dog owner with a furry friend sporting thick hair, you might occasionally find yourself in need of guidance on how to maintain their coat. Look no further! Our comprehensive guide on "How to Cut Thick Dog Hair" is here to help you achieve a professional grooming look right at home. This article will provide you with the necessary tools, step-by-step instructions, and useful tips to ensure a successful haircut for your beloved pup.

Benefits of Using "How to Cut Thick Dog Hair":

  1. Professional Results at Home:
  • Save time and money by learning how to groom your dog's thick hair without visiting a professional groomer.
  • Achieve a well-groomed appearance for your furry companion, ensuring they look their best.
  1. Tailored Grooming:
  • Personalize your dog's haircut according to their breed, size, and preferences.
  • Maintain your dog's coat health by trimming excess hair, preventing matting and discomfort.
  1. Bonding Experience:
  • Create a stronger bond with your furry friend by taking an active role in their grooming routine.
  • Reduce stress or anxiety that some dogs may experience when visiting a groomer.

Conditions for Using

Feb 16, 2022 — Go in the direction of the hair growth with clippers. “Use clippers with a guard, and clip in the direction of the coat,” Dr. Wigfall said.

How do you trim a dog with thick hair?

I'll start from the back of the neck. The whole side the back leg and then I'll start on the other side of the body. The back leg and then at last the front legs. And then you want to get the belly

How do you cut a dog's hair that won't let you?

If you have someone in your home who can talk softly to your dog or pet him gently to keep him calm while grooming, keep that person around. Use your scissors and one comb or brush and quietly cut your pup's hair while he's resting or relaxing. Go slow and at first, only do a few cuts at a time.

How do you groom a dog with coarse hair?

The Hand Stripping Method Take small amounts of long, wiry hair in your hand, you can use rubber gloves or ear powder to provide a good grip. Hold the skin taut and pull a few hairs at a time in the direction of growth. Gently but firmly pull hair out while keeping your wrist locked.

Is it better to cut dog's hair wet or dry?

Give your dog a bath and let him dry thoroughly before you clip him. Avoid clipping a dirty dog if at all possible.

Can you trim a double coated dog?

Cutting. Some double coated dogs such as the husky and malamute require minimal to no trimming, whereas long-haired German Shepherds can have feathering and their feet trimmed. Cutting of the top coat and undercoat will damage the hair and can result in a condition called coat funk.

How do you cut overgrown dog hair?

Always full skin tight not the mess. All throughout the dog. And go slow. This is not a race. Like going too fast and forcing at it you're going to clip you're going to end up cutting the skin.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can you cut a double-coated dog?

Cutting the fur damages the natural cycle of a double coat. Your dog's top coat can take up to 2 years to grow back completely or it may not grow back as before. Depending on your dog, their fur can grow back patchy, thinner and can develop skin conditions such as alopecia.

Is it safe to cut your own dogs hair?

The safest way to give your dog a haircut is with electric clippers made for dog grooming. Clippers generally come in various blade sizes with “comb” attachments to help keep the trim an even length.

Can any dog get a haircut?

Dogs with a lot of dense fur can benefit from a “thin and trim” cut, also called a “teddy bear” or “puppy cut.” The dog's coat is sculpted with trimmers but not cut too close, and then given a final finish with shears. Certain northern and spitz-type breeds (such as huskies and Pomeranians) should not be shaved.

How do you shave a big dog at home?

  1. Set up the clippers. Put a sharp blade in your clippers and attach the shaving guide.
  2. Keep flat. Place the clippers flat on your pup's body.
  3. On the glide. With very little pressure, the clippers should simply glide through the coat unless they encounter a thick mat.
  4. Keep the clippers cool.
  5. Take your time.

How do you groom an unwilling dog?

Use a gentle brushing technique. You never want to pull at mats or tangles in their fur, because this can tug on the root, pull at their skin, and cause them pain. Train your dog to enjoy brushing by offering praise and treats when he sits still to let you brush him.

What are the best dog thinning shears?

Thinning/Blending Dog Grooming Shears
  • Kenchii Scorpion 46 Tooth Thinning Shear.
  • Kenchii Scorpion 24 Tooth Blending Shear.
  • Kenchii Rosé 25 Tooth Blender Shear.
  • Kenchii Shinobi Thinner Shears.
  • Kenchii Rose Swivel 54 Tooth Thinner Shear.
  • Kenchii® Rose Thinner Shear 54 Tooth.
  • Kenchii® Rose Thinner Left Shear 54T.

Is it better to shave a dog wet or dry?

Give your dog a bath and let him dry thoroughly before you clip him. Avoid clipping a dirty dog if at all possible.


How do you groom a shaggy dog at home?
The Shaggy Spa Method. Use your dog's favorite brush and brush out his coat from head to toe. Focus on removing any tangles or knots. If you find mats that will not come out with a brush, use scissors to cut them out.
How do you groom a scruffy dog?
The Hand Stripping Method Hold the skin taut and pull a few hairs at a time in the direction of growth. Gently but firmly pull hair out while keeping your wrist locked. If using a stripping blade, hold hairs between your thumb and blade. If using your hand, hold hairs between your thumb and index finger.
How do you trim a shaggy dog's face?
Keeping your fingers over your dog's eyes to protect them, comb the fur upwards, then around eyebrow level, trim the beard using curved scissors. Once you comb the fur back down, you will notice that the muzzle is considerably neater.
How do you groom a fluffy dog?
It. Now on her belly i'm using a curved shear. And i will also be using the same shear to do her.
How do you groom a dog at home for beginners?
Brush, bathe and thoroughly dry your dog. Using blunt ended (round tip) shears or small clippers with guide combs, trim hair that's covering the eyes, long hair covering private parts and hair between dogs' paw pads, if needed.
How do you trim thick dog hair?
Use a pair of thinning shears or electric clippers to trim back any long hair and then give him one final all over brush to spread his natural oils through the hair, leaving it looking shiny and beautiful.

How to cut thick dog hair

What is the best clipper for thick dog fur? The Wahl Professional Animal thick coat pet clipper is a 2-speed professional clipper designed to glide through thick dog and pet coats with ease. Great for all-over grooming and heavy-duty use, including mats and complete shave downs for dogs, cats, and other animals with thick coats.
What do groomers use to cut dogs hair? Groomers rely on clippers such as the Andis AGC2 or the Wahl KM10. Both clippers typically come with a number 10 blade to get you started.
Can I use hair clippers on my dog? The short answer is no, you should not use human clippers on dogs. You can however safely use dog clippers on humans.
How do you cut a severely matted dog? Always full skin tight not the mess. All throughout the dog. And go slow. This is not a race. Like going too fast and forcing at it you're going to clip you're going to end up cutting the skin.
Why do groomers shave double coated dogs? The only good reason for shaving a double-coated dog is if the coat is pelted. Mats can form so close to the skin that the fur cannot be brushed through and airflow to the skin is restricted. Pelted fur leads to yeast infections, hematomas, fecal matting, urine burns, fleas, and irritated skin.
How do you trim a long haired dog at home? Notice I'm holding the dog you don't want to move it around being Wiggly. I'll start from the back of the neck. The whole side the back leg and then I'll start on the other side of the body.
  • Should you cut long hair dogs?
    • Long hair on dogs needs to be cut regularly because without regular haircuts, the dog may be carrying around tons of matted coat, leading to misery for the dog as well as the owner. This is especially important in the winter – wet snow and dry air means the hair mats more easily.
  • How do you manage long hair on a dog?
    • How to care for the coat of a long-haired dog
      1. Invest in the right tools.
      2. Brush daily to detangle and remove debris.
      3. Teach your dog to relax and enjoy the grooming experience.
      4. Allow plenty of time for grooming to reduce stress.
      5. Exercise and feed your dog first so they are relaxed and comfortable.
  • How do you trim a dog for beginners?
    • Brush, bathe and thoroughly dry your dog. Using blunt ended (round tip) shears or small clippers with guide combs, trim hair that's covering the eyes, long hair covering private parts and hair between dogs' paw pads, if needed. A number 10 blade may work best in delicate areas.
  • What guard do you use to cut a dogs hair short
    • Jul 6, 2023 — We did a "clipper guard size chart" experiment to see how each comb length looks on a Doodle to compare different lengths of cuts.
  • How do you cut thick dog hair
    • Use a pair of thinning shears or electric clippers to trim back any long hair and then give him one final all over brush to spread his natural oils through the 
  • What is the best way to cut the hair of a big dog with very this fur
    • If your dog's hair is super-long, you may have to cut it short first before you can shave him.

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